As I’m fairly new to coding, I’ve only learned Java and just a little bit of Python. Currently I’m learning Javascript and C++ as well. In my personal opinion and from what I’ve learned so far about Javascript in the FreeCodeCamp exercises, it seems to be a lot more lenient/forgiving than Java is. Javascript also seems to be easier to write code in. This makes it more appealing to me than Java, and in return makes it a good programming language in my opinion. However, I’ve read that Javascript is mainly used to run in browsers, and Java is more defined (which explains why it’s less forgiving), so it may not be the best language to learn for software engineering. I do believe, however, that learning these languages are great, or learning any language is very helpful in future endeavors and in learning new languages as well.
We’ve had our first WOD (workout of the day) this week, and I had a complete brain fart, as I haven’t done any coding in the past semester. I practiced what I could, but then when time came for the WOD, got stumped on a simple syntax. The practice WODs were great practice, and I enjoy doing these examples. They help stimulate the brain and creativity, and help you prepare for the WOD at the end of the week. The athletic software engineering style is a great way to practice and keep pace in this course, and it prepares you for the future, where you have to think critically. The short time restraint puts you on your toes and this makes me enjoy the course more. I like these types of challenges, and I believe it will help me learn faster and help me for the future.