Starting out my college career in 2010, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I thought I wanted to be a chef, so I started out in cluinary. Then my parents didn’t like that because we’re Asian, so I went into accounting. Accounting turned out to be a real bore to me, and I finally went to see counselors to figure out what I could do. For some reason, I hadn’t thought of becoming a CS major, even though I’ve been on a computer my whole life. I’ve always had interest in computers, but never really dove into the software aspect of it.
My first experience with anything computer/ICS related was with CyberStart, which at the time was giving out scholarships in a game they set up. If you were in the top 5%, you’d get scholarship money towards any ICS major in a security field. It was hard for me since I knew nothing. I did what I could, and to my surprise, ended up in the top 7%. If I had tried a little more, I could’ve ended up in the top 5% easily. That was my first huge step towards where I am now.
I am now in ICS 314, which is our software engineering class. I’m not sure what to expect, as I still feel fairly new to this whole thing. I’m hoping to get more experience with javascript, and coming up with functions with much less struggle. Learning ways to think critically and quickly, while coming up with code that works properly will help tremendously in future courses, even outside of javascript.